Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The 30 Before 30 List

Well, here it is....the 30 things I'd like to accomplish in the next 7 months. Some of it is semi-serious (really do need open an IRA, the 401k isn't cuttin' it)....some of it is silly (I've always wanted to sing karaoke solo but knew I wasn't drunk enough) and some of it is terrifying (

Many thanks to my friends Kelly and Jesse for introducing me to this list of wishful items! And thanks to the bloggers out there who have documented their list publicly, online and motivated me to steal their idea and do the same. I look forward to sharing my progress with anyone who will read this. Wish me luck!

1. Run a marathon
2. Keep a Plant Alive for 6 months
3. Join Junior League of FC
4. Read 5 "Classic" Novels
5. Plant a Tree
6. Go Vegan for a week
7. Sing Karaoke Solo
8. Take Writing Class/Workshop
9. Try Pilates
10. Go Skydiving
11. Ride the Poudre in a Sea-bearing vessel
12. Learn to cook John's favorite Gourmet Meal
13. White a Children's Book
14. Watch 5 "Classic" Movies
15. Volunteer at Church
16. Learn to Knit
17. Watch the Godfather Trilogy, Beginning to End
18. Take a Self Defense or Karate Class
19. Read the Entire Bible
20. Take a Cheesy, Kissing Photo on a beach with my Spouse
21. Write a Non-Profit Business Plan
22. Stop being a Procrastinator
23. Host Fancy Dinner Party & Cook John's Favorite Meal Previously Learned
24. Ask for and/or Receive a Raise
25. Give Blood
26. Open an IRA
27. Achieve a "Flat" Stomach
28. Go Deep Sea Fishing
29. Relearn the Piano & Master One Song
30. Try Kickboxing


  1. You are so awesome Stacey!! I turn 30 in a few weeks!! I should've started on my plan a year ago!!! Oops!!! ♥

  2. Stace! You are awesome! You can and will do it all!! I have been wanting to try karate too! Its on my list! Keep blogging girl, i love it! XOXO!
