Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Treats

Inspired by my budget (or lack there of), this year's gifts to my closest girlfriends were homemade. I found this blog post on my favorite vegan blog and was instantly excited to make something similar for my gals.

Since none of them are vegan, it didn't seem right to force flax-eggs on them, so I located this recipe for Sand Art Brownies, followed the very easy instructions and ended up with these lovely treats.

If you need a last-minute gift for friends, a holiday hostess or your favorite aunt, make these! It took maybe 15-20 minutes and I think they turned out pretty darn cute.

All you do is fill up a mason jar with the dry ingredients in the order that they are listed on the recipe.

Then decorate the jars and type up the directions on a recipe card!

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. awe you decided to do them!! so cute! i love it!
